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Modern web design

Every website should have set goals. Whether it’s to convert visitors to customers or convey content in a way that is engaging; we can help you discover and define the goals you need for your website. We create custom responsive websites that are visually appealing, intuitive and simple for users to navigate. We can build websites that respond to defined user actions or display content at certain times of the day.

Modern web design

Modern Web Design Artist Image

Every website should have set goals. Whether it’s to convert visitors to customers or convey content in a way that is engaging; we can help you discover and define the goals you need for your website. We create custom responsive websites that are visually appealing, intuitive and simple for users to navigate. We can build websites that respond to defined user actions or display content at certain times of the day.

Affordable Web Design Packages
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Web design packages

Our web design packages are designed for start-ups, churches, charities and any sized business to serve as the cheapest and most cost-effective way to build a website within a set budget. The point of our web design package is to bring savings to our customers. This is done by removing the custom development process and allowing us to build a site for you based on our expertise, knowledge and experience. The process that allows this to take place is simple. We require two things: the first is that you have researched your market and competition. The second is that the content for your website such as; the images, text and videos etc are sourced and written out. Aside from the development time and costs, these two steps alone can save you significant fees in terms of copywriting and the process it takes to know your market in order to define the goals for your project. Please don't be overwhelmed or worry if this is not in place. We can help and point you in the right direction.

Web design packages

Affordable Web Design Packages

Our web design packages are designed for start-ups, churches, charities and any sized business to serve as the cheapest and most cost-effective way to build a website within a set budget. The point of our web design package is to bring savings to our customers. This is done by removing the custom development process and allowing us to build a site for you based on our expertise, knowledge and experience. The process that allows this to take place is simple. We require two things: the first is that you have researched your market and competition. The second is that the content for your website such as; the images, text and videos etc are sourced and written out. Aside from the development time and costs, these two steps alone can save you significant fees in terms of copywriting and the process it takes to know your market in order to define the goals for your project. Please don't be overwhelmed or worry if this is not in place. We can help and point you in the right direction.

Branding for Web Design by Practical Media
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Your brand identity is crucial and is a lot more significant than what consumers see with their eyes. It’s the definition of your business; a reflection of who you are, your values, personality and sometimes even what drives you. We can help you create a brand asset that reflects who you are and the values you stand for.



Branding for Web Design by Practical Media

Your brand identity is crucial and is a lot more significant than what consumers see with their eyes. It’s the definition of your business; a reflection of who you are, your values, personality and sometimes even what drives you. We can help you create a brand asset that reflects who you are and the values you stand for.

Mobile App Developers - Image
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Mobile app development

The smart phone has come a long way since coming into widespread use. For many people it’s a personal item of technology that’s not just an accessory, but a thing they engage with every day that holds much information on their lives. Whether you want to develop a mobile app for your business or ministry or simply have an idea and want to put it to the test, we can help you bring this to life. There are a few options to building a mobile app. From your requirements we can determine the best technologies to suit your use case. You might find you don’t actually need a mobile app but instead a well-built progressive web app that works on all devices.

Mobile app development

Mobile App Developers - Image

The smart phone has come a long way since coming into widespread use. For many people it’s a personal item of technology that’s not just an accessory, but a thing they engage with every day that holds much information on their lives. Whether you want to develop a mobile app for your business or ministry or simply have an idea and want to put it to the test, we can help you bring this to life. There are a few options to building a mobile app. From your requirements we can determine the best technologies to suit your use case. You might find you don’t actually need a mobile app but instead a well-built progressive web app that works on all devices.

Advanced CMS Development Image - Edinburgh
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Advanced CMS development

There are many Content Management Systems (CMS) but only a few offers a good foundation to build advanced dynamic websites or applications. We use Joomla (a robust CMS) and WordPress to build advanced websites that can meet any business need. We have over twelve years of experience building websites and applications with Joomla and Wordpress and can build almost anything for you using these two platforms.

Advanced CMS development

Advanced CMS Development Image - Edinburgh

There are many Content Management Systems (CMS) but only a few offers a good foundation to build advanced dynamic websites or applications. We use Joomla (a robust CMS) and WordPress to build advanced websites that can meet any business need. We have over twelve years of experience building websites and applications with Joomla and Wordpress and can build almost anything for you using these two platforms.

Practical Media Managed Hosting Services
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Background Image for Managed Hosting - Edinburgh

Managed hosting

As part of our service, we provide managed hosting. This is where we host and manage the servers that process and deliver content from your website or business applications. We provide a full server management and support service, which means we take care of all essential updates, security patches and backups. We also ensure your server is configured to the needs of your application, so your business applications are performing at optimum level continuously to deliver content to your users. We have over 12 years of experience managing servers.

The managed hosting service was primarily created to serve the websites, applications and solutions we provide for our customers. We want to give our customers the platform for success by ensuring the right infrastructure, hardware, software and security features are in place to run their websites or business applications with peace of mind in the ever-changing landscape of the internet.

 Each hosting package is designed to meet specific needs, from a personal website, to intensive business applications like ecommerce websites. So, whatever your business needs, be assured with the knowledge that your critical data is regularly backed up using best practices and your files are protected behind a firewall that uses the latest state of the art security software.

Managed hosting

Practical Media Managed Hosting Services

As part of our service, we provide managed hosting. This is where we host and manage the servers that process and deliver content from your website or business applications. We provide a full server management and support service, which means we take care of all essential updates, security patches and backups. We also ensure your server is configured to the needs of your application, so your business applications are performing at optimum level continuously to deliver content to your users. We have over 12 years of experience managing servers.

The managed hosting service was primarily created to serve the websites, applications and solutions we provide for our customers. We want to give our customers the platform for success by ensuring the right infrastructure, hardware, software and security features are in place to run their websites or business applications with peace of mind in the ever-changing landscape of the internet.

 Each hosting package is designed to meet specific needs, from a personal website, to intensive business applications like ecommerce websites. So, whatever your business needs, be assured with the knowledge that your critical data is regularly backed up using best practices and your files are protected behind a firewall that uses the latest state of the art security software.

Our custom development process

Our custom development process













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